Keppe Motor: Tecnologia para um Novo Mundo

Articles & Documentaries

Keppe Motor: Electric motors that generate their own energy

There are already technologies, there are already appliances that save up to 90% energy when compared to traditional solutions. This motor is available: Get to know the Brazilian invention, based on Nikola Tesla’s scalar energy, which saves electricity. Keppe Motor Experiment: Industrial fan Keppe Motor. Video made by Canal da Eletricidade. Originally published on […]

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Keppe Motor on History Channel: Documentary “POWER”

The Keppe Motor was featured on the History Channel documentary, Power, which highlights the work of Keppe and others in challenging the dominant energy paradigm. Their work was recently featured in the documentary Power, which was shown various times on the History Channel to rave reviews. The documentary ran simultaneously in South America and Mexico, […]

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KEPPE MOTOR – Solution to the energy crisis!

The KEPPE MOTOR UNIVERSE TURBO ceiling fan line was launched in Brazil on September 9, 2014. Its landmark sustainable technology makes the KEPPE MOTOR UNIVERSE TURBO highly efficient. It has recently received PROCEL A certification from INMETRO (the Brazilian National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology). The UNIVERSE TURBO is the most energy efficient technology […]

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