Keppe Motor: Tecnologia para um Novo Mundo

From RIO+20 – 10 ideas to save the planet

Jun 25th, 2012 – Época Magazine 

There was a little bit of everything at Rio+20 – from closed door meetings to pioneering, and even proposals to improve the day-to-day life of citizens.

The KEPPE MOTOR: selected as one of these 10 ideas


Developed by scientists Cesar Soós, Alexandre and Roberto Frascari, the Keppe motor is a Brazilian technology that is more economical than conventional motors. Soós says the new “resonating motor” is more durable because it doesn’t use iron or heat up.

This lighter motor will require less fuel if used for airplanes and cars, and will also reduce polluting gas emissions. At the moment, the Keppe motor is showing good results in household appliances and the first Keppe Motor fans and ventilators should be in stores by the beginning of next year.

The inventors say tests show that a common household appliance uses 15 times more energy than the same appliance powered by a Keppe motor.


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